It is a mercifully cool morning, with gentle breezes tugging at the curtains. Everything seems to sigh with relief after the melting heat. Our boys discover an old shoe-box full of photographs and time slips away, as we rummage through the past. The beds unmade, our little cat curled contentedly between us. The year has once again settled into a vaguely familiar rhythm, even if it tends to be a syncopated, abstract beat at times. When clouds swell and gather, we look longingly towards the horizon for a promise of moisture...
As parts of our country still thirst desperately for rain, and people become wearied by the pressing responsibilities and realities of the "not so new" year, I thought to turn towards the bible for a little time of refreshing.
Hosea 6:3 says: "Then we shall know, if we follow on to know the Lord: His going forth is prepared as the morning, and He shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and the former rain unto the earth."
Palestine was especially dependent upon rain, since the people who lived there, cultivated the sides of hills and terraces, which were parched and dry when the rains were withheld. The "former," or autumnal rain, fell in October, at the seed-time; the "latter" or spring rain, in March and April, and it was this rain that filled the ears of grain before harvest, reviving and refreshing the earth to produce an abundant yield. If either were withheld, the harvest failed...
In this we see a wonderful likeness of Him who is the Beginning and the End of our spiritual harvest. To know God is the secret to all wisdom, and for this reason we were created. To know Him as our Saviour, Master, Protector and Friend. It is the source of deep, lasting joy, regardless of the circumstances. The want or lack of this knowledge, can lead to misery and spiritual drought.
"Refreshment" means restoring strength, energy and vigour. A light snack is sometimes referred to as a ‘refreshment’. Rest or exercise can bring physical refreshment.
Paul tells Philemon that he has ‘refreshed the hearts of the saints’ (Philemon 7). Later on in the letter, Paul asks him to ‘refresh my heart in Christ’ (v.20). But how do we refresh our minds, hearts and souls?
Gold is the most valuable thing this world knows. It cannot be tarnished. It shines with a glow like no other metal. Gold is the one metal that all humankind bows down to. Yet, God’s words are far more valuable than even the finest gold. The psalmist writes: ‘I love your commands more than gold, more than pure gold’ (v.127).
The source of the psalmist’s soul refreshment is God’s words. Earlier in the psalm he said, ‘My soul is consumed with longing for your laws at all times … My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to your word’ (vv.20,28).
Nothing refreshes mind, body and soul, like God's Word.
2. Refresh your heart with the people of God. (Philemon 1:1-25)
Paul writes to his friend Philemon to ask for a favour (v.1). Philemon had a slave called Onesimus who had escaped. Whilst Onesimus was on the run, Paul had led him to Christ (v.10).
"Refreshment" means restoring strength, energy and vigour. A light snack is sometimes referred to as a ‘refreshment’. Rest or exercise can bring physical refreshment.
Paul tells Philemon that he has ‘refreshed the hearts of the saints’ (Philemon 7). Later on in the letter, Paul asks him to ‘refresh my heart in Christ’ (v.20). But how do we refresh our minds, hearts and souls?
The source of the psalmist’s soul refreshment is God’s words. Earlier in the psalm he said, ‘My soul is consumed with longing for your laws at all times … My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to your word’ (vv.20,28).
Nothing refreshes mind, body and soul, like God's Word.
2. Refresh your heart with the people of God. (Philemon 1:1-25)
Paul writes to his friend Philemon to ask for a favour (v.1). Philemon had a slave called Onesimus who had escaped. Whilst Onesimus was on the run, Paul had led him to Christ (v.10).
Now, in this letter, which is full of grace, humility, genuine love and charm, Paul writes to persuade Philemon to take Onesimus back – not as a slave (the normal fate of a runaway slave was death or flogging and branding on the forehead), but as a friend and brother (v.16). Centuries later, the ripple effect of these words contributed to massive social change. Local history became world history.
It is a request that Paul knows will receive a "yes". He is absolutely confident that Philemon will do what he has asked him to do (v.21). It is a shining example for us, and a challenge, to bring love, forgiveness and reconciliation, especially among our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Paul goes on to say, ‘Your love has given me great joy and encouragement because you have refreshed the hearts of the saints’ (v.7). And he asks Philemon to refresh his heart in Christ by another act of love (v.20). His whole appeal for Onesimus is ‘on the basis of love’ (v.9).
Forgiveness involves extending love and mercy to someone who has wronged or hurt you. It clears the way to reconciliation and restoration of a relationship.
Love refreshes the heart and the soul. Spending time with and edifying people we love and who love us, whether it is family, friends or neighbours, refreshes our hearts and souls.
3. Refresh your soul in the presence of God (Lamentations 2:7, 3:39)
It is a request that Paul knows will receive a "yes". He is absolutely confident that Philemon will do what he has asked him to do (v.21). It is a shining example for us, and a challenge, to bring love, forgiveness and reconciliation, especially among our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Paul goes on to say, ‘Your love has given me great joy and encouragement because you have refreshed the hearts of the saints’ (v.7). And he asks Philemon to refresh his heart in Christ by another act of love (v.20). His whole appeal for Onesimus is ‘on the basis of love’ (v.9).
Forgiveness involves extending love and mercy to someone who has wronged or hurt you. It clears the way to reconciliation and restoration of a relationship.
Love refreshes the heart and the soul. Spending time with and edifying people we love and who love us, whether it is family, friends or neighbours, refreshes our hearts and souls.
3. Refresh your soul in the presence of God (Lamentations 2:7, 3:39)
We see in this passage that Jeremiah's heart is in great need of refreshment. As he looks out at the devastation of Jerusalem, he is surrounded by the most appalling suffering. There is destruction all around. The people are starving. It has reached the point where there is the possibility of women eating their own children.
It is not just that the suffering is all around Jeremiah. It is also in his own heart and soul. He writes, ‘My eyes fail from weeping, I am in torment within, my heart is poured out on the ground’ (2:11). His heart is pierced (3:13). He feels besieged and surrounded by ‘bitterness and hardship’ (v.5). He is dwelling in darkness (v.6).
But he knows that the answer lies in the presence of the Lord. He writes, ‘Arise, cry out in the night, as the watches of the night begin; pour out your heart like water in the presence of the Lord’ (2:19).
He goes on, ‘My soul is downcast within me.
Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope:
Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion;
therefore I will wait for him.”
The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him,
to the one who seeks him …
Though he brings grief, he will show compassion, so great is his unfailing love’ (3:20–25,32).
Times of refreshing come from being in ‘the presence of the Lord’ (Acts 3:19).
Our God’s mercy truly is new every morning. You and I have been given the freedom to make a fresh, new start every single day. Regardless of the mess the previous day may have turned out to be. Every day we may seek Him, wait for Him quietly, hope in Him, ask His forgiveness, and be fully refreshed by His beautiful presence, His wondrous Word, and His unfailing love.
It is not just that the suffering is all around Jeremiah. It is also in his own heart and soul. He writes, ‘My eyes fail from weeping, I am in torment within, my heart is poured out on the ground’ (2:11). His heart is pierced (3:13). He feels besieged and surrounded by ‘bitterness and hardship’ (v.5). He is dwelling in darkness (v.6).
But he knows that the answer lies in the presence of the Lord. He writes, ‘Arise, cry out in the night, as the watches of the night begin; pour out your heart like water in the presence of the Lord’ (2:19).
He goes on, ‘My soul is downcast within me.
Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope:
Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion;
therefore I will wait for him.”
The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him,
to the one who seeks him …
Though he brings grief, he will show compassion, so great is his unfailing love’ (3:20–25,32).
Times of refreshing come from being in ‘the presence of the Lord’ (Acts 3:19).
Our God’s mercy truly is new every morning. You and I have been given the freedom to make a fresh, new start every single day. Regardless of the mess the previous day may have turned out to be. Every day we may seek Him, wait for Him quietly, hope in Him, ask His forgiveness, and be fully refreshed by His beautiful presence, His wondrous Word, and His unfailing love.