Thursday, 13 December 2012

What I Have I Give You

"I am the Alpha and the Omega, says the Lord God, who is, and who was and who is to come, the Almighty" (Rev 1:8)

"Sizzle"... When my mind brought up this word, I immediately saw images of mirages on a hot desert plane. Cicadas singing in the blistering sun. Hot beaches baking in a blinding white light. (No, not sausages in a pan...) It is not quite sizzling yet, but the sun is out, and there is a merry cricket-choir singing somewhere. Two small golden heads bend over the dandelions in the distance, then a whoop of delight is carried up to me when the seeds are blown up and away by the wind. I never thought I would come to love the sight of washing on a line - but this means there is sunshine, so to my gray-weary eyes they are banners of joy... The breeze blows a message of renewal through my window, my heart lifts, then sinks, then soars, then falters. If you are prone to emotional roller-coaster rides (as I am at times), this is big-dipper time! From soaring on wings with eagles, to an abyss of weltschmerz *, back to running with wild horses in the span of a single rotation around the sun. "Silly season" is an under-statement, but it needn't be, and I guess I am about (to attempt) to tell you why...

* (The modern meaning of Weltschmerz in the German language is the psychological pain caused by sadness that can occur when realising that someone's own weaknesses are caused by the inappropriateness and cruelty of the world and (physical and social) circumstances).

For me this is a time of sharing, feeling awestruck, being generous, but I am overwhelmed by my own incapacity of being all I am called to be at the same time. Then I read the account of Peter and John and the lame beggar at the temple gate called "Beautiful". (This was the first miracle recorded in the book of Acts after the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost).

Picture this: A guy who has been carried around his whole life, placed at the same spot each day asking for handouts, suddenly has two men asking him to "Look at us" (Acts 3:4) Probably quite used to people avoiding eye-contact, he looks up, expecting to hear the sound of coins dropping in his lap. Instead Peter says: "Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you... A moment of expectation. Then Peter says: "In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, WALK"! The miracle follows, his ankles grow strong, his feet straighten, he wobbles a moment and, off he goes! BUT, then he turns back... What has just happened here - a lame man walks! For a month or two he will be overwhelmed by the miracle of movement, but then the mundane may set in again and he could just be walking beggar. 

NO. Peter goes on. In front of an astonished crowd, he shares the true gift. Of how the Author, originator of Life, (John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. HE -Jesus- was with God in the beginning"), was killed. BUT God raised him from the dead. So that this lame man (and the entire world with him) may receive a rebirth in Christ into an eternity with God. What struck me once again, is the value of a human soul - placed above silver or gold, physical wellness, emotional wholeness, even spiritual awareness. What is the greatest gift I have to share? Apart from grace, kindness, compassion, care - above all, I know the truth. This should compel me to be moved by the brokenness of the world, the futility of lost souls trying to find the truth in all the wrong places. To be a witness in whichever way He calls me to be. And ultimately; with his guidance, to have the courage and conviction to speak it into their hearts.

So, now that he could walk, and had no other option but to believe, what else did he need to do? Peter says in verse 19: "Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord". Then in verse 21 he says of Jesus: "He must remain in heaven, until the time comes for God to restore everything as he promised long ago..."

What this means for us, is that the sooner we, not only turn from our own sins, but help others to turn back to God, who has placed His Spirit in all people, the sooner our Saviour will be able to return, to hail in the millennium of peace. Now wouldn't that be something!

So as I mentally tick off my list of Christmas gifts, preparations and all the sweet madness that goes with this time of year, it is SO good to remember what to place on the top of this list. The greatest Gift ever given has become the greatest gift that we could ever share. I feel rich beyond words, the wealth of my heart overflows into yours and hopefully all those that you will encounter during this time. The end may be near, the birth-pangs sharp and fierce, but the hope of renewal is real, glorious and eternal.

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