Sunday 8 January 2023

Under a Banner of Love

6 January 2023

It is a drenchingly wet and cold day in the mountains. The silver birches rock in the breeze where a lone forest pigeon sits huddled against the driving rain. Our animals gravitate towards the fire, their muddy paw prints drying in tell-tale paths on the floor. The kettle hisses on a gass flame, a kitten is curled up in a sweet spiral. A day for gentle pursuits.

I have been feeling a pull toward starting to write again, needing to push aside the all too familiar feelings of inadequacy and lack of inspiration. Reading can be a gentle pursuit, but writing... Writing is a discipline, at least for me it is.

Have you ever noticed how close discipline is to disciple? This got me thinking. Discipline (according to Oxford) is; "the practice of training or being trained to obey rules or a code/pattern of behaviour, where punishment can be used to correct behaviour. Or; a branch of knowledge, typically one studied in higher education."
The noun "disciple" comes from the Latin word discipulus, which means student, learner or follower.

One can certainly be disciplined without being a disciple, but to be a true disciple, requires discipline. The discipline of a disciple of Jesus however, is not one imposed by other people. Rather it is self-discipline under Christ. Paul said to Timothy: "Discipline yourself for the purpose of Godliness" ~ 1 Timothy 4:7-8.

So is my motivation to start writing again "for the purpose of Godliness"? I have to be honest and say that I don't rightly know, but what I do know is that God is faithful beyond my doubts, and for that reason I will write. And trust that He will meet me as I walk towards Him on this yet unmapped road.

8 January 2023

To get back into the discipline of writing, I thought to begin with a form or journalling. Simply writing down the things that stand out from each day, whether it be from spending time with the Lord and in His Word, or preparing a meal for my family. Walking our beautiful mountain paths or sweeping the floor...

Part of our weekend routine is to take our motley crew of five dogs for long, leisurely walks. Both the humans and canines adore these outings and we always return with our spirits lifted (the humans), and tongues happily lolling out the side of their mouths (the dogs). One of our favourite walks is around an area called Eureka, where the mountain landscape is truly awe-inspiring. The adjacent forest offers a cool canopy overhead, and a scented floor of pine needles underfoot.

Today, the Elandsberg was an amphitheatre, where nature boldly declares the glory of the risen God. Here, the display of grandeur can make you want to soar above it all, and yet kneel small and humbled at the Creator's feet. "In one hand He holds the mysteries of the earth, and in the other He holds the highest mountain peaks." ~ Psalm 95:4

Later this morning we sang with our friends: "My beloved is mine and I am His, His banner over me is love... I'm safe and secure on the Rock of all ages, His banner over me is love."  Our self-conscious teenaged son sang it with what seemed like slight embarrassment, but the refrain stayed with me and sprinkled a deep and sweet joy over the rest of my day. How can I not soar on wings like eagles with the certainty of such a love. How can I not step boldly into the new year, this banner of love and protection always over me, regardless of what the days, weeks and months may bring.

"He will cover you with His feathers.
He will shelter you with His wings.
His faithful promises are your armor and protection" 
~ Psalm 91:4

May you too, be encouraged by knowing that the God who holds the mysteries of the earth in one hand, and the highest mountain peaks in the other, has you covered. With love and protection, with a strong hand to guide you, a caring heart to comfort you, heavenly stores to provide for you.

"Taste and see that the Lord is good,
blessed are those who take refuge in Him.
Fear the Lord, His holy people,
for those who fear Him lack nothing.
The lion may grow weak and hungry,
but those who seek the Lord, lack no good thing.
~ Psalm 34:8-9


  1. I am delighted that you are putting pen to paper again! Thank you for sharing. It really resonates with my heart & soul.

  2. So blessed by your beautiful words, but definitely much more blessed that you started writing again blessed daughter of the Most High. May our Abba Father continue to guide you in your writing because I know how many more hearts you will be able to touch. Love you very much my sister in Christ ❤️🌹🙏

  3. Thank you from my heart, may our beautiful Father God bless and keep you. Shine for Him, as you always have. Much love in Jesus.
